List 4 black and tan french bulldog best, don’t miss

How to get a Black & Tan French Bulldog

In order to produce a Black & Tan Frenchie it requires a specific set of genes to be combined. They are popular amongst owners especially those who are fans of Dobermans due to the similarity in color.

The first gene required to produce a Black & Tan is the Black base coat. To achieve this the Frenchie can’t be a Brindle as this is the dominant gene it makes solid Black Frenchie’s rare. This gene is located in the K Locus and if one of the parents passes on the Brindle gene the dog will be Brindle. Whilst the easiest way to avoid passing on the Brindle gene is to only breed non-brindles it is still possible albeit unlikely for two Brindles to produce a Solid Black Frenchie.

The second gene required to produce a Black and Tan French Bulldog relates to the Tan gene itself. This again is dominated by another gene and requires this not to be present. The Dominant gene in the A Locus where this is present is fawn. In order for Tan to be present Fawn can not be present but it can be produced by having only one copy of the gene if the recessive solid gene is present.

Are Black & Tan French Bulldogs rare?

Due to the need for two sets of recessive genes it makes Black & Tan Frenchie’s rare. Due to this it would be highly unlikely to occur without dedicated breeders focussing on combining these genes. French Bulldogs are highly flexible in the range of colors they are able to be produced.

They are not recognised by the AKC

There are a large number of colors that are currently unrecognised by the AKC in French Bulldogs. The recognised colors are as follows:

  • Brindle
  • Brindle & White
  • Cream
  • Fawn
  • Fawn & White
  • Fawn Brindle & White
  • White
  • White & Brindle
  • White & Fawn

This color combination is not known to be disqualified due to any health concerns but falls under what is often referred to as Fad colorings. This refers to colors which are bred purely for profit and are not done so to enhance the breed in terms of health.

Black & Tan French Bulldog Puppy

They often have health issues

It is widely accepted that French Bulldogs have a large number of health concerns. Whilst good breeding can alleviate some of the issues below is a list of common health problems, how to spot them and manage them if possible.


Whilst not unique to Frenchies they are known to suffer more than other breeds. This will usually display in red/raw patches often around their paws. Also it can show through watery eyes, ear infections or sneezing. If you suspect allergy issues it is best to discuss with a vet around possible treatments.

Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (BAS)

Due to their short snouts it can lead to issues around their breathing. This usually results in snoring and noisy breathing. It can however lead to retching, regurgitaion and vomiting and it certainly lowers their tolerance to heat. Due to this it’s best to ensure they are not over exposed to heat as this can quickly turn into heat stroke due to their inability to cool themselves quickly.

Skin Fold Dermatitis

Whilst we love their wrinkles and skinfolds it can lead to issues within these folds. It is important these areas are checked for redness and sores, you will usually see your Frenchie attempting to lick/scratch any irritated areas.

Ear Infections

Due to the shape of the French Bulldog they can have issues in keeping their ears clean. Often these areas become breeding grounds for bacteria. In order to clean them the first rule is not to put anything inside the ear, this often just compacts any dirt within the ear. It is best to use an ear cleaner to break down the dirt.

Corneal Ulcers

As a result of the eyes standing more predominately on their face they are at risk of eye issues. They can also be born with small amounts of tissue sticking out of their eye. If you notice this or any redness/lumps around the eye your best bet is a trip to the vet.

Back and Spine issues

Unfortunately it is more common in Frenchies for them to have issues around their back and necks. This often results in back pain and sometimes slipped discs. Often these issues will display themselves later in life and it is best to consult a vet.

They’re not actually from France

When thinking of French Bulldogs through history they are well know for being companion dogs for working girls at the end of the 19th century. However they have a very different origin compared to what the name would suggest.

They were first popularised in England where smaller Bulldogs were bred to be Toy Bulldogs. They were popular within the English Lace industry which was primarily centred in Nottingham. Their migration across to France followed closely that of the lace industry. Through the mid 1850’s the lace industry was dying out in England and growing in France it is though that the lace industry is also what first introduced this breed to the Working girls of France where they were popularised.

Black & Tan French Bulldog

Their Anatomy makes natural reproduction difficult

Due to the physical characteristics that have been bred into Frenchie’s over the years it has limited their ability to naturally reproduce. This relates to a number of factors most notable their short legs, narrow hips and compact body. It is not impossible that some Frenchie’s wouldn’t be able to reproduce naturally it is just unlikely.

Unsurprisingly there are still ways for them to reproduce and this requires breeders to artificially inseminate them. I will spare the details but if you want to know how this process works then read this article.

How much does a Black & Tan French Bulldog cost?

Even the most common of color combinations comes with a hefty price tag attached due to the need for specialised breeding. For the cheapest French Bulldog you are looking at paying over $2,000 minimum.

Black & Tan French Bulldogs due to their rare coloring and unique look are both uncommon and popular. Due to this you are likely looking at paying over $7,000 with the price varying dependent on the breeder.

Top 4 black and tan french bulldog Synthesized by BSS news

Frenchie / French bulldog puppies for sale in the USA and worldwide.

  • :
  • : 12/31/2022
  • : 4.92 (848 vote)
  • : Black and tan French Bulldogs have a solid black base color with red or beige markings on their paws, chest, bottom, cheek and eyebrows.

we specialize in breeding and selling high-quality French Bulldog puppies

  • :
  • : 10/03/2022
  • : 4.48 (217 vote)
  • : Black and tans are very rare and beautiful. They have a sleek and shiny black coat with no brindling to it what-so-ever, and gorgeous tan points …
  • : Due to the need for two sets of recessive genes it makes Black & Tan Frenchie’s rare. Due to this it would be highly unlikely to occur without dedicated breeders focussing on combining these genes. French Bulldogs are highly flexible in the …

Black and Tan French Bulldog puppies

  • :
  • : 10/17/2022
  • : 4.2 (595 vote)
  • : Black and Tan frenchie puppies for sale from the best French bulldog breeders near me in the USA. Regular and fluffy black and tan frenchies.
  • : Until about a decade ago, Lilac Frenchie for sale were a figment of imagination. After years of careful breeding, Lilac French bulldog breeder groups were able to create a beautiful pigment that almost glows light purple, or lilac, and named it …

Hula’s Litters – Black & Tan French Bulldog in Texas

  • :
  • : 08/03/2022
  • : 4.17 (204 vote)
  • : She is a Black & Tan French Bulldog Mom. You can see more info and photos of her on her own page here. On this page, you can visit her past litters.
  • : She is as cute as they come. A nice blocky head, a compact little cobby body. A gorgeous blue sable coloring. At the rate she was growing we expected her to mature right around 15 lbs and she has not disappointed. She is Cha Cha’s sister by the same …

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